3 Days
As Jesus hung on the cross, I can only imagine the thoughts that could have entered his brain. The shame agony and loneliness he must have experienced. For the first time in his life, his was feeling the effects of the sins of a fallen world. He was separated for the first time in eternity from his Father. Now reeling from the same separation that humanity had suffered since the fall. Despite all that, knowing his thoughts were also on you and on me. On his friends and family that were with him. In fact on all of humanity. Such a sobering realization to know all that he was suffering through and yet he was still focused on why he was sent to earth. He knew our only hope was for him to fulfill his mission. I can’t imagine the grief he must have felt. He had tried so hard to make his friends understand the mission, understand that this was not the end but the beginning. Knowing that they had not yet understood. He went as far as to give them one last sign. Even as he was taking his last breaths he was still trying to make his friends understand. For 3 hours darkness covered the earth. For 3 hours it looked as though it was over. For 3 hours it looked like the enemy had won. For 3 hours our Lord and savior suffered in isolation, bearing the sin of the world. For 3 hours he gave his friends one last sign, that while it looked bad in the moment, He would have the final word, and then it came, “It Is Finished”. And finished it was The separation he faced was over. The separation we faced was over. the veil was torn from the top to the bottom. He had finished his mission, now the world had to wait…. His friends had to wait…..for 3 days they waited. For 3 days it looked like all hope was gone. For 3 days it looked like the enemy had won. But Jesus would have the last word. For 3 days it must have seemed like an eternity because it was. For 3 days Jesus secured the eternities for anyone who believe in him. For 3 days he was restoring all that was lost in the fall. For 3 days he was preparing to set record straight on who was in control. After 3 days and in the blink of an eye his last words came to fruition. It was Finished. Death was finished, the enemy was finished, the separation from our Heavenly Father was finished. Our old life in sin was finished. 3 Days was eternity in the blink of an eye. Hope retuned as the stone rolled away. Mary came looking for Him in darkness and sorrow. She was looking for the body of the dead and instead she found life when He spoke her name. It works the same today. If you look for him, he will call you by name and you will know it is him.